The Roofers & Waterproofers National Instructor Training Program (NITP) is held annually at Washtenaw Community College in Ann Arbor, MI. The NITP offers centralized training, which includes a wide range of classes that are required for all apprenticeship instructors throughout the union roofing and waterproofing industry. This program is designed to increase instructors’ proficiency of teaching techniques, acquaint them with the philosophy and principles of education, and provide learning experiences in the principles and fundamentals of the applied knowledge of subjects.
Currently we have a list of professional, safety and health, technical, and JATC administrative and support Train the Trainer (TTT) courses that are offered annually. Each course consists of a minimum of 22.5 hours or more and is college-credited.
Current Professional Instructor Courses
- Planning, Teaching and Assessing Effective Lesson Plans: Beginner
- Planning, Teaching and Assessing Effective Lesson Plans: Intermediate
- Planning, Teaching and Assessing Effective Lesson Plans: Advanced
- Course Planning and Problem Solving
- Public Speaking
Current Safety and Technical Train the Trainer (TTT) Courses
- OSHA 510
- OSHA 500
- OSHA 502
- Competent Person Fall Protection TTT
- Qualified Signal Person TTT
- Qualified Rigger Person TTT
- Single-Ply TTT and National Single-Ply Qualified Evaluator Certification TTT
- Green Technologies in Roofing & Waterproofing TTT
- GHS Haz-Com and RF-Radiation TTT
- Infectious Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) TTT
- First-Aid, CPR and AED TTT
Current JATC Administrative & Support Courses
- Basic Computer Skills
- Intermediate Computer Skills
- Microsoft PowerPoint for Instructors
- Office of Apprenticeship Standards and Policies class
- Understanding Legal Issues and Managing Operations of a Training Program
The Research and Education Trust Fund’s partnership with Washtenaw Community College provides training to apprenticeship instructors on every level. Washtenaw Community College is the home to many union building trades crafts instructor training programs and is nationally recognized as the leader in instructor education.

The National Instructor and Leadership Training Program Videos.
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